With the beginning of summer come longer days, higher temperatures, and a lot of outdoor activities. As much as we enjoy our days in the sun, we must put our eyes' health and safety first. Summertime activities, greater sunlight, and other environmental conditions can all present special hazards to our eyes. following are some effects on eyes in summer:
An unstable tear film results from warm, dry weather that speeds up the rate at which tears dry. The disease is made worse by failing to blink when looking at computer or mobile screens for a long period of time, exposure to chlorine from swimming pools, dust in the air, hot outdoor winds, and indoor air conditioning (AC). The most common symptoms of dry eye illness are minor redness of the eyes, sporadic blurring of vision, and stinging, burning, and irritation of the eyes.
All types of allergies are typically made worse by weather changes in the spring and summer. Pollution and non-particulate pollutants, dust, pollen grains, and temperature changes can all cause allergic reactions that can damage our eyes.
Strong sunshine increases the amount of UV rays that reach the skin and eyes. Conditions such as photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis can result from extended contact with UV radiation. Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation has been linked to a number of eye conditions, including pterygium, a higher chance of cataract development, and even malignancies of the eyelids.
Conjunctivitis, sometimes referred to as "pink eye ," is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the white part of the eye, brought on by either a bacteria or a virus. Summertime is usually when conjunctivitis cases increase. It manifests as watering, sticky discharge, and red eyes with a prickling feeling. By touching or sharing items like handkerchiefs with an infected person, conjunctivitis can spread.
In this blog, we've assembled helpful advice on how to protect and preserve your eyes. Now, have a look at these suggestions to brighten your eyes this summer:
To protect your eyes in the summer, put on sunglasses. By providing protection from damaging UV radiation, they stop macular degeneration and glaucoma. Sunglasses ensure pleasant and clear vision in strong sunshine by reducing brightness and blurred vision.
In addition to providing additional protection for your face and skin, wide-brimmed hats and caps screen your eyes from direct sunshine, limiting glare and UV damage and lowering your risk of sunburn and signs of aging. With so many stylish options, these accessories guarantee both eye safety and a stylish appearance.
Dehydration may affect eyesight and cause dry, irritated eyes. Thus, it's essential to drink plenty of water throughout the summer to keep your eyes healthy. Throughout the summer, stay hydrated enough to avoid dry eyes and maintain good eye health.
Regular screen timeouts are important for maintaining eye health. Overuse of screens can cause discomfort and pressure in the eyes. Playing without a screen greatly lessens eye strain and enhances general well-being.
Summertime contact lens care is necessary for maintaining eye health. Activities involving water and heat both raise the risk of eye infections. Make sure your lenses are clean and disinfected, and don't wear them when doing anything that involves the water. Setting Priorities Maintaining good vision and lowering the chance of problems are two benefits of good contact lens hygiene.
Make sure you take the appropriate safety measures to protect your eyes from irritants and chlorine. Chlorine can irritate and create redness in the eyes, but pollutants can hurt. Put on goggles when swimming as eye protection. If irritants are present, immediately rinse your eyes with clean water. Making eye protection a priority guarantees the best possible eye health and wellbeing.
Maintaining good eye health requires regular visits to an ophthalmologists doctors. Frequent ocular examinations aid in the early detection and treatment of such problems. In addition, looking for Getting professional assistance is essential for eye safety, particularly when it comes to giving the best possible vision care and shielding your eyes from any dangers.
To sum up, protecting your eyes throughout the summer is essential to keeping your eye health at its best. If you adhere to the seven above-mentioned suggestions, you may effectively manage and prevent difficulties related to eye health.
Here at Dr. Sonalika Eye Clinic, you may find the "best eye hospital in Kolkata" or a "eye specialist near you" depending on your needs. Our highly qualified eye doctors are dedicated to providing unmatched eye care services. Get in touch with our medical professionals for more information about our all-inclusive eye care. Make an appointment right now.